1985 Various exhibitions with "living workshop" tiled stove construction, television report1989 Group exhibition at the Deutscher Werkbund Frankfurt a. Main, design: "alternatives Reisegepäck“1990 Publication in „Häuser in Mischbauweise“, Wolfgang Ruske WEKA Fachverlage, "Einfamilienhaus in Holzrahmenbauweise", partial design1991 Participation at the 4th Design-Börse Stuttgart, Design Center Stuttgart Participation in the 3rd Nürnberg Furniture Design Contacts with distinction for the development of the design concept „Beistellmöbel für Eßtische mit Cerankochfeld“1992-2003 Conception and realisation of two art and design exhibitions annually in the own design studio
2004-2007 Two workshop exhibitions annually with own jewelry and guest exhibitors
2005 Participation in the Jewels & Faces Award, Schmuckwelten, Pforzheim
2007 Participation in the arts and crafts market, Ober-Kostenz
2009 Solo exhibition "Objetos encontrados durante un viache", Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
2012 Exhibition “Fundstücke einer Reise... und Meer”, Gallery Yoga & Art, Bad Kreuznach
Exhibition “A Reflection”, On The Edge Gallery, Whangarei, New Zealand
2015 Guest on the Talk Show „Sobernheimer Runde“, Bad Sobernheim
2015 Guest on SWR television at the Landesschau RLP, Mainz
2017 Exhibition „Sommerausstellung“ Töpferei Ilo Jung, Kunst im Park, Schmalfelderhof
2018 Lecture "Jewelry and Sailing" Salon Schaub, Frankfurt a. Main
Exhibition „Fundstücke – Schmuckstücke“, Museum Schlosspark, Bad Kreuznach
2019 Exhibition "Schmuck aus den Weltmeeren" Ladengalerie Kunstwerk, Neustadt / Weinstraße
Exhibition "Viele Wege - ein Ziel", 50 Years Berufsverband Kunsthandwerk RlP
Landesmuseum Mainz
2020 Cancelled!
Opening May 31th, Exhibition "Sommerausstellung", Töpferei Ilo Jung, Kunst im Park, Schmalfelderhof
July 18th, "kleine Sommernachts-Schmuck-Party", Meisenheimer Hof, Meisenheim/Glan
2021 Summer exhibition guest at"Moosgarten und Schmetterlingsparadies"
Nahe der Natur - Museum, Staudernheim/Nahe
2022 Exhibition "Schmuck & Knöpfe" Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Höhr-Grenzhausen Solo exhibition zu Gast bei "Moosgarten und Schmetterlingsparadies" Nahe der Natur - Museum, Staudernheim/Nahe
Exhibition "Skulpturen & Collagen, Modehaus Telscher Bad Kreuznach
2023 Exhibition in der Töpferei Ilo Jung, Kunst im Park, Schmalfelderhof
Solo exhibition zu Gast bei "Moosgarten und Schmetterlingsparadies"
Nahe der Natur - Museum, Staudernheim/Nahe